Friday, February 22, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Junk Sculptures!

These things were fun. Take a box of random junk, and make something out of the shadows. Yeah, that could probably be worded better. Whatever. We had no idea what we wanted to build, so we just started to throw things together to see what we could get.

Here we were just grabbing some cool looking things, and I was trying to get a bent meter stick to stay up... or something like that. I don't know.

Here, it's progressed further, and we were attempting to make a boat. Eventually we gave up, because there wasn't really enough to make it look really like a boat. So we started making a castle.

Here it is, almost finished. Looks kinda castle like. When we finished it, Mr. Sands, being awesome, gave us a background.

A nice starry night background. After the picture was taken, I made the moon a bit smaller and moved it behind one of the pillars, and it looked amazing, but he had moved on by then. Notice the decapitated knight. I have no idea why that was there.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

More Photoshop!

So today, we did some more stuff in Photoshop. We worked with adding drop shadows and perspective first, and other than the size differences, I think I did alright.
Then we worked on making references for mud drawings we'll be doing later. I picked a tortoise originally, but with all the little details, I also made a Macintosh because I can, and also because there's less details in it.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Rhino on the moon!

Yeah... I dunno. Photoshop experiments

Skeleton bones!

So, on the first day of class, we were told to draw the class skeleton, "Chick." Most of us were pretty terrible, others were great. I was not one of the latter. The skeleton on the right is what I drew the first day.
On Friday, we were asked to try it again. We all improved quite a bit. I did too, but I just didn't finish it. Waaaayyyy too tired. Overall, I think it was kind of fun, but I still hated doing it. Once I got past the neck bones, figuring out how they connected to the shoulders stumped me, and (along with being tired) I decided to just add the support pole. Now, onward to Photoshop!